Pinball Playfield Restoration
Need an old Pinball Playfield Restored or have a Custom one created. Over 15 years in Pinball Playfield Restoration business no job to hard.
Need an old Pinball Playfield Restored or have a Custom one created. Over 15 years in Pinball Playfield Restoration business no job to hard.
Restore back to original.
Custom Playfields
Restorations Back to Original
Playfield Restorations
- Types of Restoration - NOS Clear coats, quick repair of a damage area, full original restoration, custom colors, custom artwork, full custom boards with custom colors and artwork.
- Clear coat - All board are clear coated with High Quality urethane automotive clear coats. Every board goes through several clear coat cycles. One after prep to get ready for touchup, one after touchup, and one final clear coat. Which is then sanded and buffed to a shine.
- Board prep - All board have to go through prep. In this step we sand both sides of the board, level the board, remove any mylar, dirt or other foreign materials to get the board ready for any wood repair that needs to be done.
- Wood Repair - In this process we fix any holes that are not shaped as they should be, fix any holes that should not be there, help areas to level the board, add any missing pieces of wood. We also fix cracking and splitting in any wood areas.
- Touchup - The touchup we do is beyond the work that anyone else out there can do. Our touchup is done mostly by airbrush to get the best look and blends we can. All colors are matched to what the original colors was through our color matching system. We do not use any decals or sticker type material. All boards are painted by a professional that has been restoring pinball playfields for over 15 years. You want your board to look brand new, no problem, actually we make it look better. We take care of all the problems in the board. You want to change the art on a board no problem you just tell us what you want and it it will be there. You want special colors or paint effects, no problem we will add them. On a full restoration we even recreate the wood to look brand new by using our secret wood painting process.
- Timeframes - Average 1 to 2 months. (This depends on how much work we have in the shop when we get your board)
- Your part - All boards CAN NOT HAVE ANY PARTS ON THE BOARD. (Front or Back) If you mark the back of the board for future reference you need to make sure you let us know not to sand the back. PLEASE DO NOT WAX THE BOARD BEFORE SENDING IT.
- Shipping - All shipping when be billed to the customer. We will send your board or boards back in the back they came in.
- Local delivery or pickup - We are locate in the midwest (Missouri) so if you are close and want to pickup or deliver your boards we can work that out during the estimates.
- Clear Coat (All boards but mini's) $250.00 per board
- Clear Coat (Mini Boards) $50.00 per board
- Prep for all boards $50.00 per board
- All wood repair or wood recreation is $50.00 per board
- All custom artwork and touchup time is estimated at $50.00 an hr. Minimum no less than an 1hr.